Can I return to my previous job or is there another job?
What the professional future looks like after a stroke depends on what job was held and the severity of any permanent disability. Ideally, if the patient is able, he or she can return to work and gradually start working again. A reduction in hours as well as a workplace that is suitable for the disabled will make the return to work much easier.
However, in many cases it is no longer possible to pursue one’s original occupation after a stroke and activities with lower demands must be taken on. This or a complete reorientation or retraining is not always easy.
How long is a person on sick leave after a stroke?
During rehabilitation, regardless of whether it takes place on an outpatient or inpatient basis, you are on sick leave. The pension or insurance carrier approves the rehabilitation, and the employer may not refuse it. Afterwards, an assessment of the ability to work is made by the family doctor. In case of dispute, an expert is consulted.
In the case of a cure, on the other hand, the employer’s consent is required.
How many hours can I manage to work?
Only about a quarter of those affected manage to return to work full-time.
Many young people affected by a stroke tend to return to their original work as quickly as possible. However, these cases often result in excessive demands, as possible limitations only become apparent later or the ability to cope with stress is no longer given. It is important to talk about a gradual return to work!
What is vocational rehabilitation?
People who suffer from health problems and have therefore been unavailable to the labour market for a long time often have great difficulty reintegrating.
The aim of vocational rehabilitation is to create a new professional perspective for those affected and to find the ideal job. On the one hand, they look for jobs that match their skills, but also consider their health problems.
Who can support me on my way back to work?
Consultancies and networks accompany you back into working life after an accident or illness.
- fit2work
The office offers free counselling for people whose jobs are at risk due to health problems or who therefore have difficulty finding work
The NeuroNetzWerk BBRZ (Vocational Training and Rehabilitation Center) accompanies you back into working life if you can no longer do your previous job due to an illness.
The Social Neurorehabilitation Service offered by the BBRZ help people return to an independent life. Together, new life perspectives are developed to enable participation in social life again.
- transparenzportal.gv.at (Abruf: 01.03.2021)
- sozialversicherung.at (Abruf: 02.12.2020)